
Ditched the Selwyn welcome afternoon tea/meet and greet/church service for a walk around the botanical gardens. There’s an aviary there that I never found when I was a student. It’s hidden away, I think because some of the birds are very noisy.

What did this poor birb do to earn the cone of shame?
Simon told me these were the world famous Vampire Parrots, but I think they were just canoodling

Found a wandering pair of elderly French tourists on our walk, they had misplaced their hire car. We gave them a lift back to their car (or “voiture”) which was a fair distance away, so that was our good deed for the day. They are a retired couple from Lyon, they are visiting NZ for two months, a month in each Island. They complained about how expensive it is here, and also that it is full of Chinese tourists, and the hostel they are staying at is very dirty. Apart from that, they were very nice.

Back to the airport for our flight home, with plenty of time for a drink to celebrate the 66% reduction in dependent offspring chez nous. Cheers!

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