
Tried to do the right thing by returning a drug chart back to the paeds ward, which had accidentally come to theatre with a different patient  (Ed note – is this blog medicolegally protected as an audit activity, I wonder? Must look into) All went well, and I was filled with the glow of doing a good deed – until I tried to leave the ward. I couldn’t get the doors open! The lights were all down as it was bedtime for all the children, and I started to panic that I’d be trapped in there till morning. I flagged down a passing person in a uniform of some sort but she didn’t know how to get out either. Eventually between us we found the exit button, nice and high and hidden from inquisitive children’s fingers. Sweet release! And a certain degree of embarrassment. Must stay in my comfort zone of theatres from now on. Should have sent an orderly with the drug chart. No good dead unpunished, etc.

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