Another doggy tale

A poster at the vet’s office last week gave the conversion of a dog’s age into it’s human equivalent. Interestingly the rate a dog ages varies hugely on how much it weighs. Tiddly dogs like ours age the slowest, but still, time moves on for all of us.

These two are now 51 years old! (Eds note: can we photoshop the clutter out please?) We still call them “the puppies” though. The other one turns out to be 76, which doesn’t really surprise as she seems to have been a grumpy old lady dog forever. Went for a long walk today, Katie managed pretty well for most of it (I should acknowledge the fact that I nearly drowned her last weekend), but eventually I had to convey her home in a style that I expect she would like to become accustomed to.

Wonder if anyone will be carrying me around on their backs when I’m 76? Daughters, are you there?

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