
Many promises of frequent communication from the travelers down South was thwarted due to a complete lack of wifi or cell phone coverage. Apparently you can get one bar of cell phone service if you climb to the top of a nearby hill, 1.5k away through farmland. In spite of that, the plan was an update every morning as part of a morning run fitness routine. This plan was successfully carried out precisely zero times, not sure why? The last communication I had was a photo of a new piercing. I’m a little nervous that it’s all gone full blown Lord Of The Flies down there, but I guess I can’t do much about it unless they’re late getting back. Which would be easier to judge if I knew what ferry they were booked on. In the meantime, my phone is telling me that my car is actually still parked outside our house.

Clearly this is a miracle of modern technology, it’s just a shame I can’t drive this ghost car to work.

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