
Struggling with the spinal for my demented #NOF patient this afternoon. Feeling the pressure from the rest of the team, who were keen to get going, I asked someone to ring the duty anaesthetist, just to buy myself some time. Unfortunately he was free and able to pop in straight away. “Shall I scrub up and have a go?” Well, I can’t very well say no, can I? Although I was thinking more in terms of a little gentle advice… Well then of course he was successful on his first attempt, wasn’t he? Didn’t even try to make it look tough. “Oh lovely thanks so much!” I said through gritted teeth, trying to look as grateful as possible, and not at all burning with shame in a room full of people all rolling their eyes. And he went one level up from where I’d been, so I could have done that myself given half a chance (at last that’s what I told my tech. I’m sure she believed me.) Ah well, at least the patient will get their surgery and everyone will get away on time. And I’m sure a little light humiliation to finish the working week is good for the soul.

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