
I agreed today to allow my car to be used as a late fill in for a road trip down South for a bunch of teenage friends of my daughters that I hardly know. It sounds like an odd decision when I put it like that, but when one car retired hurt yesterday, the alternative was to host a bunch of sad teens at our place for a week and a half – not an appealing prospect, as you can imagine. What could go wrong, anyway?? (No really – I want to know – for insurance purposes – answers on the back of an envelope please.) Besides, my car has been a bit uppity lately, and could do with being reminded just how lucky it is, so that it learns some manners*.

This has all been arranged on the fly today, and required quite a bit of logistical work to sort out. It’s lucky my neurosurgical patient was very well behaved. It’s never a good look when the patient coughs out his frontal lobe and you’re on your phone. (Just kidding! Don’t panic! There was a registrar with me the entire time, ready to take the fall in the event of badness).

They head off tomorrow, lining up for the ferry at 5:30 – for once I’ll be the last up. Two of my daughters are going along as collateral (that’s logical, right?), so hopefully they’ll keep me up with what’s what. If anything amusing happens, I’ll let you know.

*am struggling with car pronouns. “She” is just too cliche. It/he/they? Any advice?

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