Sapin Noël

I’ve had some negative feedback about my artificial Christmas tree, and I


Both the twins have got eyelash extensions for tonight’s leavers ball that


As we head into the festive season, it is time to remember the less fortunate

Mea culpa

That look the evening acute consultant gives you when they arrive at 5 o’clock to

Aye aye!

Developed a conjunctival haemorrhage yesterday. 

Stop complaining!

Well, after all my whining about having to attend prizegiving yesterday, I never ended up going. I had an emergency at work, my last patient ended up as an unplanned ICU admission and I had to stay late to help

*polite clapping*

My private list is going to overrun today, but unfortunately probably not late enough so that I have a legitimate reason to miss prize giving tonight. It’s not that I don’t support the celebration of excellence, but

The IT crowd

Accidentally went to Christmas drinks with a bunch of coders last night. It was a get together of people involved with WordPress, a company that I produce my blog with. I was a bit alarmed at first but