Take that!

Just overheard a colleague describing how his father in law got a stroke for Xmas. Certainly puts my duplicate earring fiasco into perspective.

Ghost town

So lovely cycling in to work this morning – hardly anyone about. I know the zombie apocalypse is generally considered to be a “bad” thing, but the reduction in traffic would certainly do wonders for my commute.


What sort of cruel joke is this?

Oh well – at least it’s not half unrelieved blue sky – for which I must be grateful.

Season’s Greetings to both my readers!

Merry Christmas from Waikanae! (Where it’s actually pissing with rain – this is an old photo)

Ed’s note – is apostrophe needed in “seasons”? Is it needed in Eds? Awkward. (With apologies to Sally, an enthusiastic member of “The August Society for the Protection and Promulgation of The Apostrophe”)