
Both the twins have got eyelash extensions for tonight’s leavers ball that at least one of them has professed very little interest in. It does look fabulous although fearsomely expensive, and they both love them. Apparently the beautician said to them as they were leaving the salon “see you next time!” – like some sort of crack dealer (well, just like all the crack dealers I know personally, which is admittedly not a large number), knowing that they would now be hooked. It seems like eyelash extensions are a gateway drug into a lifetime of pricey beauty treatments that will in turn push other women into following unrealistic expectations about their appearance. Sisters! What are we doing to ourselves?? In protest, I’m not going to do anything special for my beauty routine, although I must confess this is mostly due to Scottish frugality rather than feminist righteousness. Besides, I have enough to worry about with my dress, a strapless number made of a very clingy wetsuit-like material. What could go wrong? It fit perfectly before I went to France.


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