The IT crowd

Accidentally went to Christmas drinks with a bunch of coders last night. It was a get together of people involved with WordPress, a company that I produce my blog with. I was a bit alarmed at first but they were lovely people. Two of them ended up on my phone, trying to fix problems I’ve been having with my blog, which was very nice of them. Nothing they did worked, but they were definitely trying to help. Interestingly, both of them thought my blog was about dogs because of all the doggie photos. They told me that blogging is a dying art, with most people moving to facebook and instagram in recent years, but they do sometimes get bloggers at their meetings. Apparently there was a NZ wide conference for WordPress a few months ago, and they had a speaker who had been helping elderly people get blogs up and running. One of the blogs that these retirees were working on was one about living in Shakespearian times, written from the perspective of a cat. This is what I am up against! How can I compete? I knew I should have read a blog or two before I got started.

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