Lost opportunities

Wish I’d started this blog years ago. All those amusing stories from when my kids were young, now lost to the world forever. After I made my universally loved speech at my wedding, a number of people said I should explore my comedic potential somehow, standup or writing or whatever. Well, actually it was one person, and that was my mum, but I’m sure more people would have said something if they hadn’t all been half cut. (Must post my wedding speech if I can find it somewhere amongst all the photo albums and other detritus – still not completely unpacked after our last move two years ago). But, somehow, nothing ever came of it. Possibly I was scared off blogging by my poor track record with keeping a diary as a child. I never managed to get beyond mid January. I remember the last diary entry I ever wrote. Most of it was a tedious list of all I’d done all day (really nothing to write home about at age 12), but I noted that my current favorite song was “Escape” – the pina colada song by Rupert (Rupert!) Holmes. How was this song so popular? And then, it was even rereleased recently and was popular all over again! To me, its the baby boomer generation at their self indulgent peak. “Oh I’m not feeling fulfilled enough in my perfect easy life, with my house and my job! Wah wah wah! I’m going to cold bloodedly sneak around behind my long term partner’s back, because no commitment is more important than my happiness.” This is what spawned yuppies and the “greed is good” philosophy which has stood us so well with climate change and the GFC. Although it’s clearly millennials and their smashed avocado toast that’s ruining the world right now. Sheesh.

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