Not many perks to being a doctor, but sometimes not being charged by colleagues is one of them. So it was last Monday when the very nice Continue reading “Perky”
So much easier waking up when the Sun is already shining. I love Summer. A bit of jet lag helps too, of course.
Stock photo
(No need for this sort of behaviour, though. I’m sure my husband wouldn’t be impressed. Although, maybe if I looked like that lady…)
Third full day back at work and already over it. Continue reading “TGIF”
The first thing I had to do on returning to work was water the office Continue reading “Desiccated”
I must say, Wellington’s weather is way better than I remember. Continue reading “Tropical”
So nice to be back in the bosom of my family. A little dismayed, though, to discover that none of them had been reading my blog while I was Continue reading “Wellington”
From there to here
Got accosted at Brussels airport, a survey on how I found my experience at the airport, and from one to ten, how likely was it that I Continue reading “From there to here”
Tourist Brussels
Took the opportunity offered by the early finish of the conference Continue reading “Tourist Brussels”
Maybe I’ve been watching too many World War Two movies, but when Continue reading “Ratten”
Feedback for Kirsty
Two lots of personal feedback today. First was from the Airbnb I stayed at in Montpellier. Continue reading “Feedback for Kirsty”