Atheist blogging live from a cathedral

Phew! Arrived just in time…although, the cathedral is very full, everyone is being very quiet, and there is the sound of bells coming from the front…oops! not on time after all. Posting from my lucky last carol service.

Am I the only one to see a shadowy KKK figure in the foreground of this picture? Disturbing.


“Carol of the bells” almost makes up for all the God stuff

lady next to me falling asleep

did the soloist just stuff up? I don’t know enough about music to be able to tell. Sounded wonky but could be a weird arrangement.

how come none of my daughters ever did any of these readings? They could pretend to believe in God as well as anyone

how many obscure carols can you perform in one evening??

weird reading about snakes, and children putting their hands in an ants nest? Don’t remember that from Sunday school. Oh that’s right, I didn’t go to Sunday school.

I struggle to find the virgin birth story credible, but I did read recently that it’s a common origin story across a number of religions. So there you go. NB. Have just learned Mary and Joseph weren’t even married when Jesus was born! Embarrassing for all concerned.

Piano needs tuning. Hasn’t stopped the pianist showboating.

how did my voice get this bad?? I can’t sing in tune to anything. Just mouthing along now.

the school chaplain rolls her Rs. I’m guessing this means she’s from Gore rather than Italy.

there are my darlings! Their moment to shine, up on stage – the ones with the blonde ponytails. Or they could be those other ones over there. I can’t be sure, they all look the same. Should have brought my glasses.

why are churches always so cold?? I suppose the high ceilings make them hard to heat. Also probs difficult to double glaze stained glass windows.

lady in front of me trying to cough her lungs up quietly. Would you like a lozenge, madam? Or actually, would you like to stay at home with your nasty germs rather than spreading them around? Yes, that’s a much better idea.

even the carols I know have a zillion extra obscure verses! So unnecessary

last reading is by an Englishman in a gold dress. He’s a canon apparently.

they’ve got a real Christmas tree but it’s completely bare. I imagine the needles will be all over the floor by Xmas.

a final orgy of organ playing – and we’re done. Goodnight and good luck.

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