
Not many perks to being a doctor, but sometimes not being charged by colleagues is one of them. So it was last Monday when the very nice radiologist waived his exorbitant fee for injecting my frozen shoulder. I’d be even more grateful if it had worked.

In the bad old days, of course, doctors used to get all sorts of freebies from the likes of drug companies, but sadly this went out of fashion due to “ethical concerns”. I don’t know what they’re talking about.

A freebie of sorts this Thursday, though. The insurance company that specialises in doctors organized a special showing of the latest Wizarding World movie for hundreds of us to come and see. We had to buy our tickets but the snacks were free. I also got a free keychain if anyone wants it. The popcorn came in four flavours: salted caramel (OK, come on, please, this flavour has surely had it’s time in the sun by now); chocolate (yikes); spicy nacho (double yikes); and “New York Mix”, which was a half and half mixture of cheese (think cheezels), and caramel (and it was just as bizarre and nauseating as you’re thinking). Sadly for the popcorn company who were there representing their product, it was no surprise a number of people were sneaking out to buy their own tubs of buttery salted popcorn. I would also have to describe the movie itself, “The Crimes of Grindelwald”, as either a rare misstep from the hugely talented and inspiring J.K. Rowlings, or less charitably, a hot mess. My husband fell asleep for half an hour in the middle and claims not to have missed anything. But, still, a very enjoyable evening was had by all. And it was cheap.

ps. I have been asked why my family and I were hanging around down the front, getting in everyone’s way before the movie started. There was a couple sitting in two of our allocated seats. The usher ended up calling in a manager, who arrived armed with a laptop, and eventually figured out that the couple were mistakenly sitting in aisle J instead of aisle G. Not sure who the couple were? They looked too young to be orthopaedic surgeons.


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