
So nice to be back in the bosom of my family. A little dismayed, though, to discover that none of them had been reading my blog while I was overseas. This was a plus in one way, in that I got to tell of my adventures all over again – but on the other hand, if even my close family aren’t reading it, my chances of getting a book deal must be very very low.

Most affected by my absence appears to be my troubled cairn terrier, Katie. She has been comfort eating while I’ve been away. She’s always had weight issues, which means I get told off by the vet every time I take her (and who then give her treats – so much so that she loves it there – she once ran away from home when we lived in Karori to go to the vet). Her nickname isn’t ‘Weighty Katie ‘ but it should be – although when calling her I will usually say “Katie Katie Fat Dog!”. Hope she doesn’t understand English. As well as eating too much in general, she has also started to eat poo. This could be thought of as the ultimate in recycling – but I will say that if you ever visit our house, don’t let the obese dog lick your face.

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5 years ago

Now here’s the thing Kirsty, Not being too familiar with WordPress, and being of the Facebook generation, I was hitherto unaware that, if you clicked on the title of one of your blog posts, therein lay the ability to actually comment. I wanted, nay *needed*, to be able to pass comment with little effort on my part, so had hitherto singularly failed to achieve this simple task.
But today that changes… for today at least… 😉
(first-time caller, long-time listener)
Do keep up the entertainment 🙂

5 years ago
Reply to  Trevor

Also, how do I become something other than a “guest”? Dear God, I do hope I don’t have sign up to something / sacrifice my firstborn to achieve this. I’m negotiable on the firstborn…

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