
Thrombectomies = 1, still, sigh!

Starting to feel despondent again. A week and a half and I’ve still only seen one stroke case, and that was by chance because I was there, because no one has called me for a single case. Just over a week to go and I’ve been neglecting theatre in favor of schmoozing in the angio suite, much good that’s done!

I’m like the ex girlfriend that just doesn’t get it, hanging by the phone every night, waiting for it to ring. Or maybe, more like that one girl who hovers around the edge of the friend group, that everyone just ignores hoping she’ll get the hint, and when they make plans for a good night out, they do it quietly in the vain hope she won’t hear and pathetically ask to come along.

What makes it worse is they have a Russian radiologist observer here for the week, he’s like the teacher’s pet, the Professeur takes him everywhere, and he’s been getting calls that I haven’t. Yesterday he asked me for my help in a post he was making to Instagram, a selfie of him with the Prof, saying “my time at Montpellier with the fantastic Professor Costalat is going really well, two thumbs up!”. He wanted me to check the English was OK. It ended up sounding a bit awkward, but I’m sure that’ll add to the authenticity.

F**k the French, Amiright??

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