What a difference a day makes

Thrombectomies = 1 (yay!)

Much cheerier today. No strokes overnight but when I turned up this morning there was a stoke course about to get underway with a bunch of Russians that Dr cheekbones invited me to join (feeling some guilt about my lack of stroke cases so far I’m sure). It was really good. In the afternoon they were discussing practical techniques which wasn’t relevant for me so I went back to radiology theatres. They were doing a carotid stenting and the anaesthetist was lovely, very keen to practice her English. And then they had an acute stroke case, that the team did as a live case in front of the 15 Russians. It was bizarre but I was very happy. The course is being paid for by industry, so I invited myself along for the dinner. I’ve just left and on my way home after a lovely three course meal, marred only by two things: my tuna entrée came in a tin! A can of tinned tuna!

I couldn’t believe it. And then by dessert they had run out of cheese. Unbelievable. The rep was actually great fun, an Irish ex nurse my age who used to know lots of famous musicians. She used to compete in voice competitions with Feargal Sharkey of the Undertones, and Annie Lennox once told her she had a cool name (one of those weird Irish names, Branaid or something). Dinner was fun and free but I left before the inevitable vodka shots.

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