Tout seul

I can’t remember the last time I was completely alone in a city. Liberating but also anxiety provoking. After last nights saddo dinner I decided to do a bit of exploring this evening, and eat out.

A big improvement, I’m sure you’ll agree. I’ve also signed up to do a couple of guided tours over the weekend, one walking around the centre of town, and the other biking with a group out to the coast. I emailed the tourist office and they sent me a very impressive list of tours available in English. On closer inspection, however, they’d listed everything twice. A simple cut and paste error rather than deliberate self aggrandizement, I’m sure. So, all good. Unfortunately, it’s now dark and I’ve had my dinner and have to walk a couple of kms home through a dodgy area. Wish me luck.


Made it! Not raped and murdered; not hit by a tram; didn’t even step in any dog poo. Empowered!

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