Au naturelle

When I need to have a pee while we are out in the countryside on our bikes, I say “I need to answer nature’s call!”, and after I have relieved myself behind a shrub I say “I am now at one with nature!” This is always funny: I’m sure my daughter finds it so. I guess I could also consider that I have become one with nature after I have inhaled a bug (an occupational hazard while cycling) but that doesn’t have the same appeal. Why do we say ‘have a pee’ but ‘do a wee’? Either way it is a girlish euphemism for urination but that’s fine by me. My brother introduced me to the term ‘waz’ – rhymes with ‘has’ – as in ‘have a waz’ and I like this phrase for its comedic value.

Getting too close to the local fauna.

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