Provence continued

Day three, 34 kms, hilly. How many times can an atheist say “Thank God for ebikes!” before they get struck by lightning? Asking for a friend.

The perched village of Gordes. Have to be careful not to get too close to that cliff edge – apparently a wealthy Chinese businessman plummeted to his death near here just a few weeks ago.

This little town is awash with tourists in Summer. A couple of highlights for us were the shoes we bought on sale (this trip is going to pay for itself), and hearing the Disney song “under the sea” (from The Little Mermaid)  in French as we drank our cafe au lait. Decided to skip the Lavender Museum as we both agreed it smells like old ladies. Mind you, that didn’t stop us trying the lavender ice cream later on, and it was yummy.

Can’t see frîtes with mayonnaise without thinking of Pulp Fiction.

The town of Roussillon, where we are staying, was saved from obscurity by the discovery of ochre around 200 years ago…

…and now it has been discovered by tourists who have no idea how to park.


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