
First day of our cycling trip around the Luberon. 42 kms across the plains. No hiccups apart from when the GPS tried to send us across a bridge just before lunch which was closed for renovations. So different from walking or cycling trips I’ve done in the past, trying to decipher trip notes obviously translated back and forth from the original Arabic via google translate several times, using as an aid a map taken from space. My poor daughters had to put up with frustrated bad temper and colourful language several times a day from me. Oh so easy to be calm and serene these days, I could have been calm and serene too if everything went my way and the world wasn’t out to get me. Anyhoo…

The view from the window of our hôtel. Perfect although if I had one niggle it would be that the waterfall in the grounds was quite loud; I’m sure with a little effort and minor engineering it could be made quieter. Just a thought.

Quaint little Provençal village, with a castley thing up on the hill.

No French meal would be complete it seems without a giant clove of raw garlic.


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