Day 2

42 kms, hilly. Another nearly perfect day, only slightly marred by hayfever that lasted all day (only a fellow sufferer can understand what this means); a sudden and impromptu rest break in a ditch in front of a number of interested onlookers (Samantha, gritting her teeth and trying to show that the bush she landed in wasn’t actually full of thorns, despite appearances to the contrary); another unscheduled stop in the perched village of Lacoste, waiting for assistance in dealing with a technical issue with our ebikes, being simultaneously bored but also nervously keeping an eye out for rampant alligators (Ed note: too obscure?); and finally there’s a wedding in progress at our hotel so we are stuck in our room until the photos are done and dusted.

The picture I trolled my cycling group at home with (before my technical malfunction). No replies yet: I guess they’re all in bed.

Lunch which may or may not have included a glass of rosé.

Time to harvest these grapes, Jean-Paul!

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