
What a glorious morning here in Welly; Spring has certainly sprung. My cycle to work along the waterfront was fabulous and sunny. I must confess I may not have arrived in Newtown on the dot of 07:30 but I’ve had early starts every day this week. I agreed to work this particular one in the middle of my sabbatical to help the department, because we’re quite short staffed. (I wanted to say, in order to help my colleagues live the life AQUAtic – because, you know, the AQUA conference – but when I thought about it, that was the end of August, wasn’t it? Dammit.) I was complaining to someone yesterday that I’ve had to work so hard this week and I wasn’t even packed yet, and she said that’s what you said last time! Rude. OK, I do struggle with packing, it’s the worst part of travel. You’d think I’d get better at it with practice, but no: after every trip I empty out my suitcase and find clothes I haven’t worn. At least they’ve had a nice tour of the world though – a chance for them to get out of the house.

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