A walk in the park

I’m taking a small break during my sabbatical marathon in a few weeks, a walking tour in the mountains between Spain and France. I’ve been looking through the brochure during a long and tedious case today (while still paying 100% attention to the anaesthetic job at hand, of course).

As you can see (or you might if your zoom function works), it’s rated one boot of exertion out of a possible six, and the word “gentle” appears three times on the front cover alone. So, I was not expecting it to be too arduous an expedition.

Imagine my surprise then, when I had a look at the clothes and equipment the company recommend you bring.

Clothes, including:

anorak (already the alarm bells are ringing); waterproof over-trousers; hat; gloves; good walking boots with ankle protection (“trainers will not be good enough”); smart casual clothes for evening.

Equipment, including:

picnic gear (plate, cutlery, Tupperware); water bottle for 2 litres water per day; compass; head torch; survival blanket; first aid kit.

They also suggest your luggage should weigh no more than 10 kgs! Talk about unreasonable expectations! I’m getting such mixed messages here that I think the safest option is to completely ignore all their advice and go with my gut instinct. Being fashionable and stylish can never be wrong in Europe. Seriously considering taking my funky blue boots. And trainers.



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