More thoughts on marriage

“Today I married my best friend!” Oh, I see how that might happen – you were meant to marry the bride but accidentally signed the register in the wrong place and married the best man instead! Embarrassing!

Do you think my bad attitude might be the reason I’ve never been a bridesmaid? Weddings are certainly no place for the cynical. But actually, I love weddings! The speeches are definitely the highlight; my speech was certainly hilarious, although the groom wasn’t that fussed. One of my brothers apparently made an excellent best man speech at our other brothers’ wedding, but I missed it because I was in the bathroom, trying desperately to get the poo off my daughters’ legs. This was before I figured out you could rip pull ups along the side, instead of pulling them down and off the legs like a normal pair of knickers. Doh. She didn’t care – she’d already picked all the sugar flowers off the back of the wedding cake, but I was super annoyed to have missed it. Shame they were too classy (cheap) to hire someone to video the wedding.

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5 years ago

mum you’re so embarrassing

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