
Is Trump a dick, or what? Apparently the death toll from last years Hurricanes Maria and Irma that devastated Puerto Rico was not actually in the thousands – that was just a number made up by the Democrats to make him look bad. Huh? Come on, Donald – you were there! You were the one throwing paper towels, remember? Come on, put the phone down – you’re just embarrassing yourself. Can anyone remember how his team actually confiscated his phone for a couple of weeks before the election in 2016, because of his out of control tweeting addiction? I’m not sure how anyone can be surprised at anything that’s happened since then. (Not true actually – I myself am in an almost constant state of fascinated dismay). I watched an excellent movie the other night, very thought provoking, about the Cold War. In the end, the American President, played by Henry Fonda, saves us all from World War Three with decisive, intelligent and timely action. Heaven help us.

There are a number of serious storms around the globe at the moment. Hurricane Florence is heading towards the American Eastern Seaboard, and the Philippines is bracing itself for Super Typhoon Mangkhut. Lucky climate change isn’t actually a thing or otherwise we’d really be in trouble!

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