How stupid do they think I am??
A flight of ideas
How stupid do they think I am??
In our training we are told to have a low threshold for calling for help. The emergency call bell in theatre and recovery here is nicknamed The Buzzer of Shame.
Having to ride on the slow side of the cycle lane at the moment, with all Continue reading “Hampered”
Made to take off my watch as an infection risk yesterday by a bossy Continue reading “Strict”
No scrubs my size in the theatre changing rooms today. Someone had to sneak into the mens for me to grab a pile. Made me feel quite homesick.
The neurosurgical registrars here have discovered Stealth for drainage of chronic subdurals as well as placement of intraventricular drains! Way to make two tiny acutes fill your entire day.
In case any of you were wondering – I never did include the University’s vice chancellor into my parking correspondence. They’re all quite busy at the moment – keeping our campuses safe from free speech.
Anaesthetic rooms may be an archaic hang over from the past – but they do give you a place to put your bag.
Can’t decide whether to claim Ben Stokes as a Kiwi – cricketing hero vs probably a bit of a dick, personally.
Long day in theatre today, lots of fun but I’m tired. Also, normal Continue reading “Everyone loves a good parking story”