
Had dinner at the Top of Vancouver revolving restaurant last week. It’s one of those restaurants up in a building like the Sky Tower in Auckland. S and I argued about where our hotel was, natch. The dinner itself was eye wateringly expensive, but when you figure it’s taking into account the price of the view, its easier to accept, and actually the meal was quite nice, which was a pleasant exception to the rule that the better the view, the worse the food. (This is known as Scott’s Law, after a chef friend who first posited it).

Photo creds to me unfortunately, because it’s very dark – but at least he’s smiling!

The first revolving-restaurant-in-a-tower experience I ever had was as a teenager. A kind family friend shouted my whole family out for dinner at the Sydney tower. My  Dad was torn, unfortunately, because he loved food but he had a terrible fear of heights. He spent the entire meal leaning in towards the centre of the restaurant, away from the windows  ( the restaurant was revolving at the breakneck speed of one circuit per hour). Finally he could stand it no longer – he couldn’t even wait for the lift to take him back down, but instead went down the internal fire escape, setting off the alarms in the process. Poor Dad. I’ve inherited a little bit of his weakness for heights. Luckily I’m perfectly happy when supported by impressive demonstrations of structural engineering, but not so good when staring into the abyss, à la certain mountain bike tracks on Makara I won’t name (because I’ve forgotten), but which are distressingly blue coloured.

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