Look what I found!

The very first explanatory scheduling email I ever sent. More factual than entertaining. Remember the whole thing was Dean Walsh’s idea. I trust they get better after this. Note it was only sent to consultants, not “all staff”. Lots of familiar names, but also quite a few I can’t even remember now.



From: Kirsty Jordan [CCDHB]
Sent: Friday, 15 July 2011 3:36 p.m.
To: Wellington Anaesthesia Consultants <AnaesthesiaConsultants@ccdhb.org.nz>
Subject: next weeks schedule


Hi All,


Another big week coming up, the first week of the school holidays, and the part 2 course at the end of the week. Thanks to everyone for your offers of help to keep everything going.


James Broadbent may or may not be starting parental leave next week, will turn up on a day by day basis as available and present himself to the DA, depending on current parental status.



Morning meeting day.

Alan Mckenzie as DA.

Only one cardiac theatre today, a long day, early start, no morning meeting for you, Peter!  Mark Featherston takes over for the second case, one reg all day, Jethro ( not doing the cardiac run, but those regs all unavailable ).

A late addition of an ABR to the list, this is yours, Chris Horrocks. Ross has to run two ortho trauma lists, with James Gaynor and Mark Woolley.

Three morning lists only at Kene, this gives Paul Dalley and Sally Ure the afternoon as available ( after lunch, and a bit of shopping ).



Anna Rainey an extra in Delivery Suite, before her weekend on call coming up.

Not much happening at Kene, Vicki out there all day, Yatin just for a gyne list in the pm.

Lots of availables today ( and me DA! ). Yatin and Sally in the am, Aruntha all day, Colin in the pm.

Sally, have just discovered Matt Levine is still on parental leave, so you will be doing that pm eye list by yourself.



Futter am, Dalley pm as DA.

Peter Schenk off today in exchange for working Friday.

Indu OPD all day to help prepare for the part 2 course.

Doug Mein OPD/off for working clinically on Thursday.

No upper GI or vascular lists today, nor are there general or ortho lists out at Kene.

Extra gyne list in the pm out at Kene – thanks, Will.

No NPSTC teaching today. Regs thus theoretically free, but meant to get half a day off a week for study.



Vicki Upshon as DA.

Dick Dinsdale working all day in cardiac during his swappable.

Selena doing a locum all day, level 2 supervision of general surgery theatres ( Han Truong and Mark Woolley ).

Doug in ENT all day.

Chris Horrocks clinical in am during OPD time,in exchange for Fri pm as OPD.

Peter Schenk and Nicola Moore out at Kene all day.

Sheila, Louise, Indu, Leona, Narko, Paul D, James Gaynor teaching ( or modelling ) on part 2 course.



Cathy Caldwell as DA.

John Riordan am only in OT 1, giving Chris H pm as OPD.

No renal general or gyne lists in the pm.

A dental list only out at Kene.

Indu, Sheila, Louise, Narko, Will Y, and Mohana teaching on part 2 course.


Be careful out there.

Kirsty Jordan.

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