
We have arrived back home. My dog, who is old and forgetful, is gradually remembering who I am. Luckily the children knew who I was almost straight away.

It was heartening that everyone we met overseas had heard of NZ, and either they (or their neighbour/cousin/sister’s  dogwalker) had recently been, or they were planning on visiting soon. I suspect a number will decide, once they discover just how far away we are, and how long it takes – and how much it costs – to get here, that actually Portugal/Italy/Lithuania is just as nice, and Ryanair can get you there on special for 70 pounds next week, and it was a lovely idea, and maybe we can think about it again next year… But still.

Come and visit us here! It is beautiful, we are nice, we’ve had the same PM for almost a year! Just don’t try and buy a house.

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