Publish or die

I’ve been mulling it over, and there’s no reason why our anaesthetic department couldn’t collaborate on a book as well as any other. I’m thinking perhaps of something with broader appeal rather than a dry academic tome. I’d be happy to supply a chapter on scheduling insights, as well as editing too I suppose. Just tossing a few ideas in the air: CH “Guard ostriches for fun and profit”; GS “Paintergate: Helen – my part in her downfall”;  CT “The Xmas quiz, and the art of keeping your colleagues humble in the guise of entertainment”; DS “Desperate times call for desperate measures – when you have to move house to avoid the neighbours, one man’s true story”; MF “The Hutt Valley: Not as bad as you think.” We have a rich seam of talent and topics – I really think we’re onto a winner. Suggestions on the back of a postcard, please (since none of you can figure out how to make comments on here).

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