
At Heathrow several hours early thanks to the holiday nazi (Ed note: delete and replace with “appropriately cautious travelling companion”). Leaving England today and flying to Vancouver. Am missing another school event, the midwinter dance. Haven’t seen any photos yet but expect the girls will be fabulous. I say that not in a creepy Trump/Ivanka way, but just knowing the girls are way better human beings than I ever was at school. I was painfully socially inept way before being shy was cool. I trust that if I was a contemporary of the girls at school now that they would be nice to me, even if only out of pity. And I hope they would guide me a little in the way of personal appearance. I mean, look at this photo:

The hair! Did I have absolutely no clue, or what? I’m even smiling! What I want to know is, how did my family let me leave the house like this? Let alone for school photos. This picture is disappearing back into the archives where it belongs.

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