
Much better day today. Did a long paediatric brain tumour case with the delightful MA, paeds anaesthetist extraordinaire, ex of Wellington. Paeds wasn’t part of my brief, actually, but it was so nice to see a friendly face today. M misses Wellington terribly, so he tells me: the best place he has ever worked or lived. He and his family are still very keen to come back one day, when the stars align (family obligations apparently). He asked me to pass on his love to everyone. His family haven’t settled well into Cambridge and are actually moving back to Yorkshire next weekend. So, I was lucky to catch him!

My drug error man from yesterday was absolutely fine today, as expected, but it made me feel better to go and see him. No more details than that I’m afraid.

Discussion today amongst the anaesthetic team about the medical manslaughter doctor being reinstated onto the medical register. My new medicolegal friend, the anaesthetic registrar/lawyer, had a lot of extra detail about the case than I knew about. What a witch hunt, very unfair on the poor doctor. Medical manslaughter is archaic here, much like ours used to be (correct me if I’m wrong).

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