
The consultant I’m working with today is terrifying. He’s been doing neuroanaesthesia three days a week for a hundred years or so and is very particular about the way he does things. Due to a massive RMO roster cock up (a scheduling problem that wasn’t my fault!),  no registrar turned up this morning so I was it. It was very peculiar. Had to do everything his way, from the way drugs were drawn up right down to the cannulas I was using. The ODP literally would not give me the cannula I was used to and was asking for – even though it was right there (more than my job’s worth, I could see her thinking). Then he has a way of running the anaesthetic that I’m not allowed to adjust any infusions, even if he leaves the room and the BP changes (I could tell he was itching to slap my hand when I tried it once). Thank goodness a registrar eventually turned up to take some of the heat. I’m currently hiding at lunch but will have to go back soon.

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