Kirsty: An origin tale

Today I’ll be interviewing Dr Kirsty Jordan, a middle aged white female anaesthetist from Wellington in New Zealand, who has just set up a blog, Kirsty is married to the long-suffering Simon, a GP, and has three wonderful daughters; two lovely dogs, and one grumpy old one; five fish; and one fabulous nanny that they still haven’t managed to get rid of even though the youngest children leave home next year.

Now, Kirsty – let me ask you – what on Earth makes you think that anyone would have the slightest  interest in anything you might have to say?

Thank you, and yes that’s an excellent question…

Lovely sandals, by the way  (Harry, do you think you can get the sandals into the shot?)

…Umm yes, well, I used to do these sort of newsy work emails, you know… and people seemed to like them… and I thought, why not do a blog, you know? Like, start one before I have some sort of life changing tragedy, because then it would have to be about that then, wouldn’t it? And then it couldn’t just be silly and meaningless, but would have to be all sad and serious. Also, I designed the entire blog by myself. Well, i mean, it’s the default setting, I realize that, but actually the whole succulents in a bowl thing, it’s quite nice really. OK, its not really my style, not at all actually, but it’s still quite tasteful, which I could be. Well, you did say my sandals were nice.

Well, OK then, thanks very much, Kirsty, and good luck with your blog, i know there are hundreds of thousands of blogs out there, written by all sorts of people with more experience, looks, charm, and, lets face it, talent than you have – but that’s no reason why you can’t manage to succeed against all the incredibly strong odds that are stacked against you.  Cheers!


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