Blog on blog


“Start a blog!” They said “it’ll be fun!” They said “we’ll read it!”. What a nightmare. I’ve spent the last three days trying to get a blog formally set up. I found a helpful article online that talks you through the whole thing, step by step. Not sure when I started deviating from the clearly marked path, but now I am hopelessly lost and Edwin, my online helpdesk support person, is my only friend in this wilderness. Maybe it would have been easier if I’d ever read (or even seen) someone else’s blog? Perhaps it would have given me an idea of where to start. Certainly through all the difficulty, the company I’ve signed up with have had no trouble removing money from my bank account, so maybe that counts for something…


Day three: still no luck logging onto my new blogging platform. Five attempts at getting help via the online support: no progress in spite of the efforts of Mark, Andrew, Stephen, and Aliana. Becoming dispirited.


Two people who would be better at blogging than me: my brother Hamish, who always used to write the most hilarious self deprecating letters, and my old ex “boyfriend” CL, whose letters were also terrifically amusing although perhaps less suitable for public consumption than my brothers. (Yes, ladies and gentleman, we’re talking “letters” as in snail mail, which puts these reminiscences deep into the last century).

Day five: success! I got a blast of emails yesterday, closing my account, refunding all my money, then opening the account and charging me the same fee all over again, so hopefully we’re good to go…

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